The five best golf snacks for women

Here come the five best golf snacks for women to order up during a round, from 19th Hole editor Cheryl Stotler. Unfortunately, at most golf courses you are going to have to pack your own or risk the temptation of the hot dog at the turn.


  • Nuts to you! Remember that peanuts are not nuts but legumes; to maximize the varied benefits of varied nuts, grab a mix that’s strong on walnuts and almonds for keeping your focus, staving off inflammation and elevating your energy. About an ounce (a small handful) should do it — preferably the organic and raw nuts you find in the produce section, not the roasted and salted ones at the golf course.
  • Bananas are one of earth’s most perfect foods. They come in their own organic wrapper and offer not only immediate energy but prolonged energy, perfect to go the whole 18. Not only do bananas not upset the stomach, the fiber helps the digestive tract. Another plus for women: bananas help the body absorb calcium.
  • Good individually, celery and carrots perform even better in match play, so to speak. The carrots will help you see your 200-yard approach shot all the way into the hole, and the sodium in the celery will help keep you hydrated and strengthen your bones. And, Weight Watchers, no points!
  • Cheese and yogurt (now more portable than ever with the squeeze tubes invented for kids but ideal for our game) make the top five for women because they are full of the calcium we need for bone strength and that also staves off migraines and PMS. Low-fat cheeses offer the benefits of full-fat cheeses but with virtually none of the flavor. Opt for an ounce of a hard cheese and munch on it with an apple or some grapes for a nice light meal.
  • Perhaps the other hole-in-one on the food card, a hard-boiled egg is sometimes to be found at the turn and outranks every other possibility at the counter. With carbs, protein, fat and micronutrients, this might be the snack to propel you through the finishing holes. And guess what? Studies have shown that eggs actually promote weight loss. That would be, eggs in moderation of course. Too much of anything isn’t good for us.

We also took a look at one healthy treat that has been appearing at halfway houses and turn shacks: the so-called energy bar. Our picks in that area: Clif Bar Mini, Luna, Powerbar’s Pria and the LaraBar.

Luna and Pria contain soy protein, a healthy choice for women. The LaraBar is all fruit and nuts, a healthy combination, but with more calories and fat than the other bars. The Clif Bar Mini seems well suited to golf — easy to chew, no coating to melt on the hands, no crumbling, and only 100 calories.

And that’s enough of that health talk on golf snacks. Time to get to the tasting bar for the 19th Hole. Yippee!!

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  1. Donna Gill August 20, 2017