Fat cat, good. Fat shot, bad.

Image of a fat walrusFAT MIGHT BE a good quality to have in a wallet, but golfing women don’t want fat on our waistlines or fat shots on the golf course.

You work hard at your fitness, and you sure don’t want fat shots. You hit it fat (or heavy, or chunky — you get the picture) when your club digs up the turf before it hits the ball. The aftermath is not pretty: a divot the size of Rhode Island that covers more ground than your Pro V1x.

Hitting it “thin” (essentially, taking no divot and topping the ball) may get you more distance, but that’s not the Rx for the chubby shot.


Hank Haney, Tiger Woods’ onetime swing coach, has some tips to help you lose that fat shot. If you’re chunking and slicing it, you probably have too steep an angle on your swing. Haney suggests you keep your front shoulder up and turn back around, making your turn more level.

Shallow swings bring the club too close to the ground and too far from the ball, causing you to hit it fat and hook the ball. To cure that bit of heaviness, Haney recommends keeping the club in front of you and turning your body through. That way, you bring the bottom of your swing forward so you hit the ball and then the ground.

–Emily Kay

This article first appeared in the March 2011 edition of GottaGoGolf Magazine.

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